Parx Casino takes all of your money and doesn't anything in return. One hundred dollars is gone in less than one hour. Can't even get a bonus on the slots. Smoke is exhausting. Management, Security, and machine Attendants are a waste. It's not worth the drive !
kinda Vegas like, but not Vegas. Really attractive outside building, esp. at night. However, it does get smoky, which doesn't bother me. But they need to do something about the "stale cig" smoke that permeates the casino. It smells like low class.
Basically its amateur hour with regard to management. The managers and floor personnel are very young and inexperienced in VIP gaming. Most are likely sowing their oats at Parx in hopes of landing a job at a more prestigious casino in AC.
Biggest complaint:
Almost a complete lack of enforcement on the floor. Nothing is done about the folks using the more popular slots as their personal lounger as they people watch. I've seen management walk right past as some dolt is lounging back with his feet up on the slot machine. I realize to some degree a casino is going to reflect the class of its clientele, but at least try to rope it in a bit. geesh. Tables are not much better in this regard either.
Slots are about average compared to Showboat, or Taj mahal in AC, where I also play. I wouldn't call them tight and I wouldn't call them loose.
The biggest attraction here is its convenience. Chickie and Pete's has some very good food too.
Been to Parx three times. 99% of the employees are helpful, professional, and know how to give good customer service. As for the other one is perfect. So I give them one star for their almost perfect staff. I also give them one star for being clean, and having a nice decor, however I do believe their promotions are a scam. They advertise that on Sunday 50% of losses will be comp back to the player Monday. Not true! I lost $250 that I came in the door with, and on Monday they only gave me back $22 comp back. Saying you just have to make sure your rewards card is in the slots correctly, which I did every time I played. I feel cheated and will not return. I wanted to spend my money in Pa., but AC, here I come.