Beautiful spacious looks and feels just like a Vegas Strip Casino!! Machines were rather tight but so many great choices of Slots to play! Shame the Buffet wasn't open on a Wednesday because we sure were hungry !
Probably the worst casino I’ve ever been to. Slots have always been tight, too much cigarette smoke, floors are dirty, staff is nowhere to be seen, overall just a horrible casino. I can honestly say I’ve never been ahead on the slots. I put $200 in a penny slot with max bet of $5 and never hit anything over .50. This casino needs shut down. Parking lot used to be full of cars now there’s empty spaces everywhere. Save your time and money! Don’t go to Indiana Grand!
They have new signs up that say Play More Win more. It should say YOU play more WE win more. Haven't won a thing since June when Caesars took over. We were playing 60 cents on a machine and got 100 bonus hits and won about $15. You talk about a rip off. You are lucky to get 8 bonus hits and win less than a $1.00. Things need to change or people are going to quit going there.
I live very close to the casino and go there all the time. I was there on Saturday October 6, 2018. I walked up to play Sun and Moon and put a $20.00 bill into the game. My money did not register on the game so i turned on the light for assisstance. When the casino worker opened the game they said i didnt put the money into the game. The lady playing beside me (who i had never met) even told them she saw me put the money in. I told them to watch the video and they will see. I was told i was a liar and if it is under $50.00 it is their policy not to watch any video. I was surrounded by 8 casino workers calling me a liar and a thief over $20.00! I was so embarrassed i had to leave. I am just out $20.00 without even getting the chance to lose it in the machine gambling! How can you treat your patrons like that! I suggest taking the trip to Anderson cause Indiana Grand only cares about an issue if you put more than $50.00 into their games. I deserve that video to be watched and issured an apology for this incident. You can keep the money i just want everyone to see i am not a liar and a thief!