Review Detail
2.2 32Called a thief
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I live very close to the casino and go there all the time. I was there on Saturday October 6, 2018. I walked up to play Sun and Moon and put a $20.00 bill into the game. My money did not register on the game so i turned on the light for assisstance. When the casino worker opened the game they said i didnt put the money into the game. The lady playing beside me (who i had never met) even told them she saw me put the money in. I told them to watch the video and they will see. I was told i was a liar and if it is under $50.00 it is their policy not to watch any video. I was surrounded by 8 casino workers calling me a liar and a thief over $20.00! I was so embarrassed i had to leave. I am just out $20.00 without even getting the chance to lose it in the machine gambling! How can you treat your patrons like that! I suggest taking the trip to Anderson cause Indiana Grand only cares about an issue if you put more than $50.00 into their games. I deserve that video to be watched and issured an apology for this incident. You can keep the money i just want everyone to see i am not a liar and a thief!
John Stanley