Everyone was very nice at this place but I find that their players club lacking. I haven't gotten much in the way of comps and find that this casino is a little on the dumpy side. On the other side, I did win $600 on one of their slots so that was nice.
I have been going to casinos for 22 years. Been to every casino in the Lake Charles area, for the most they are very nice places for good gaming entertainment. The Isle of Capri is one that is more for the locals. The rooms at the Hotel Tower are old and worn, but still comfortable enough to just lay your head down. Now the casino itself, another story. I personally go gaming enough where I get to know staff very well and hear the inside scoop of what goes on internally.
I think the waitress who serve the drinks do a great job, and they also will talk plenty to tell you what is going on with the company. (remember tipping goes a long way) The Isle in Lake Charles is in shambles, they have let go of many of the people who used to run the place because the gaming is very poor. They have systems problems very often, which shuts down their slots, prevents payouts, and comp rewards. Their slot supervisors and managers are the worst at providing customer services.
From personal experience I have felt what they provide as a service. Casino cages are very poorly run, with staff that just doesn't care. Maybe they just have jobs they really hate because of poor management. I don't recommend this place for Texas gamers, for locals only. There are other Casinos in area that are great place to play and have real fun. And no there is no real shows or entertainment at the Isle. Just remember this, don't expect to win a lot at any Casino, go to have good time, which you won't get at the Isle in Lkae Charles.