Review Detail

3.2 9
Oklahoma 4541
Mangoes and restraunt
Overall rating
Table Games
Customer Service
Player's Club
Gaming Atmosphere
Amenities or Hotel
Food & Drink
I was in this places on the 3/19/17 and had a pizza and it was wrong and 1/2 burnt so the waitress came up and ask if everything was good so ask if he would make another pizza. I would pay for the one half of it and would buy a new one they told me I couldn't do that. So as I waited for another pizza to come for another 25 min they made me a 1/2 of a pizza. I talked with the first manger and she basically called me a lie and said they don't make 1/2 of pizza and the waiter came by at the time the manger was saying I was lying and I asked him did you give me a 1/2 of a pizza he said yes we did. I ask them what they could do to fix this problem and they said nothing. I saiid that's fine I won't spend another dime in here. So as I was still mad I stop another manger and she said we can't do nothing and I asked her so if it wasn't for people coming in here y'all wouldn't have this place open write and she said your write sr but we can't do anything. So I said that's fine as I was still mad and was talking to my friend about this and I walked away the manger went and asked my friend if I was complaining to them and they said yea he was and he has every right to be. That was out of line for her to do that. Then I was harassed all night while I was waiting on my mom and wife to finsh playing. The sucrety was watching me like a hawk. Then as I go to leave the rent a cops followed me out side.
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