Review Detail

2.9 5
Minnesota 4427
banned for life or $250 which ever comes first
(Updated: October 16, 2013)
Overall rating
Table Games
Customer Service
Player's Club
Gaming Atmosphere
Amenities or Hotel
Food & Drink
Was playing slots when approached by attendant, continuously told not to be so cheap, for over half an hour, finally had to tell him to find something else to do. Then told I was cheating them on their roulette machine, but their fault for setting their machine a certain way to make I easier to do fair, they changed it after that. Then the final straw, had a bill jam. I called attendant and three came over, scanned machine and was informed that I didn't put a bill in. I asked them to open it, they refused and walked away laughing. Next day same attendants stood by me laughing about how they screwed me. At this time became enraged and figured I'd give them something to do and poured my drink on a few machines. I was told to leave and received a letter banning me for life or until I pay them $250. Asked them for list of damages, they refused. I'm sure they were upset of having to do extra work and figure their time is money, but I doubt any damage from something that occurs there regularly. Refuse to pay extortion, and other casinos in area are nicer to their patrons.
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